Max's Sweet Sixteen

We celebrated Max's 16th birthday one day early so that he could have a long day and night with friends.  H came over early, and then Max and she  met the other kids at the theater to see Jumper.  While they were out, Nat and I made the cake and brownies, the raw material for the Dr. Who cake that Ned would create...

Nat is highly motivated.
Nat is going to earn cake and brownie batter, by making ...cake and brownie batter!
The famous ugly yellow token board that works wonders!
I want to eat everything. And, I did!
It came out great!
Ned chopped up the brownies into a TARDIS Tower, while I napped.
Ned makes a Dalek out of marshmallows
What a great Daddy!
I made K-9, the robot dog, out of brownie bits and hershey bar.
The kids enjoyed pizza first.
I am trying to give everyone exactly the piece they want.
They are enormously pleased!

Happy Birthday,

Darling Max!